3M Sun Control Film - Night Vision (NV) 35 (Tipe Reflektif / cermin) - Jual Kaca Film Gedung Merk Terbaik & Harga Murah

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Product Warranty : 10 Years


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Better sight at night. Night Vision window films help block the sun's damaging UV rays, reduce glare and reject up to 71% of the sun's heat. These darker shaded films are designed to reject solar heat that is produced from visible light, while providing significant glare relief. Night Vision films allow 15% to 35% of the natural light into your rooms by day, and thanks to a low interior reflectivity, you can still enjoy the view out by night. Plus, higher exterior reflectivity means you can enjoy enhanced privacy with your windows both day and night.

Bug Repellent

3M reflective exterior window film such as NV series is also effective to help reduce the number of bugs trying to enter the building at night, due to bright light.  Various types of tropical bugs have invaded seemingly every home and office since long time ago, attracted to bright light and warmth.  These bugs can swarm the windows and doors of well-lit building during the night, eventually finding their way inside the building.  3M Window film is used as a way of blocking interior light from attracting them at night.