Scotch-Brite Ultra Fine Hand Pad 7448, 6 in x 9 in (Amplas)

Scotch-Brite™ Ultra Fine Hand Pad 7448, 6 in x 9 in, 10 pads/Bundle (Amplas)


- Harga per Bundle (10 pads)


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Dengan membeli produk ini anda dapat mengumpulkan 1 loyalty point. Total point yang akan didapat adalah 1 point setara dengan voucher diskon senilai Rp 2.000.

Rp 146.000 termasuk pajak.

-Rp 16.300

Rp 162.300 termasuk pajak.

Info lainnya

Scotch-Brite 7448 General Purpose Hand Pad (Warna Gray) (Amplas)

Conformable web and finest silicon carbide hand pad available. Excellent for final finishing and light cleaning. May be used by hand, with a hand block, or on an in-line sander. Abrasive mineral: Ultra fine grade silicon carbide. Color: Light Gray.

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