jenis yang lebih baik dan lebih tahan lama dari 3M vinyl tape untuk: lantai tanda, kode warna pipa identifikasi Dan, membungkus atau penyegelan banyak permukaan melengkung atau tidak teratur, garis halus cat masking, langsing dekoratif dan banyak lagi. Selaras dan menghapus bersih dari sebagian besar permukaan.
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3M Vinyl Tape 471 Yellow, 2 in x 36 yd
Vinyl Tape 471 is available in 10 colors including transparent. This vinyl tape is highly conformable and resistant to heavy abrasion and most common solvents. The specially formulated rubber adhesive system is designed for applications requiring clean removal.
Ideal for masking, wrapping or sealing many curved or irregular surfaces, excellent for many lane and safety marking applications, ideal for color coding, abrasion protection, decoration and splicing applications.
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